MiniSniping Rules

MiniSniping is really a pretty easy game to play. In most cases, the game is shot at a local range or someone's back yard. However, to allow for eMatches to be fair, a set of formal rules needed to be set forth to allow airgunners all over the world to shoot matches under the same rules set. Below are the formal rules for MiniSniping.

Most official matches will be conducted using these rules, however, other official eMatches will be offered that will vary the equipment, targets and distances used for the match.

For club or backyard matches, these rules should be used as a baseline for shooting your matchs. The equipment, targets and distances can be varied as desired. Remember, the whole idea of MiniSniping is to use the airguns that you own, test your shooting skills, and have fun!

If you have any questions or comments about the rules, please feel free to contact

Classic Shoot Rules

  1. Airguns: Any safe airgun of any configuration, shooting lead pellets.
  2. Sights: Any form of sighting system may be used.
  3. Ammunition: Any design of pellet that is completely constructed of lead or lead alloy only.
  4. Wind Flags: The use of five (5) wind flags per range is allowed. Wind flags may be of any design to show wind direction and speed.
  5. Targets: The standard target shall be an empty 9mm Luger pistol cases made of brass, aluminum or steel will be used as targets. Targets shall be placed at 35 yards from the firing point. Targets shall be placed in a small amount of clay to hold the target on the target stand. Targets shall be horizontally placed at least 2" from the adjecent targets. Variations to the target type will be allowed at the game directors discretion.
  6. Target Stand: The target stand may be made of wood, brick, rocks, or steel. The target stand shall be capable of holding a bank of 5 targets. The target stand shall elevate the bank of targets at least 6" off the ground and not more than 24" off the ground. The target stand may have a paper backer attached to it for sighting in the rifle prior to shooting of score and to show impact of misses around the targets.
  7. Shooting Position: Any shooting position is allowed. The airgun must be supported by the shooter's hand(s) and body with the exception of the forearm, which may be supported by a rest. Shooting may take place from the ground or from a shooting bench.
  8. Course of Fire: Five shots will be fired at five targets with one shot per target. Target sequence will be from left to right. Two sighter shots may be fired prior to shooting for score. After the five shots have been fired, the shooter is required to reset any hit targets before any additional shooting for score takes place. In the event that one shot removes more than one target from the clay base, the extra shot(s) may be used to shoot at any missed targets. A shooter may discharge their airgun into the ground without penalty of a miss as long as the announce their intentions prior to discharging their airgun.
  9. Scoring: Scoring shall be on the basis of one point for each hit and a zero for each miss. A hit is recorded only if the target is completely removed from the clay base. A target that is hit or moved but not removed from the clay base will be recorded as a miss. In the event that one shot removes more than one target, a hit will be recorded for all targets completely removed from the clay base.
  10. Game Process: Shots for score will begin after all competitors have had adequate time to sight-in their airguns. The game is divided into 5 shot rounds. Each shooter is allowed two sighter shots prior to shooting the five shot round for score. After the round has been fired, the shooter is required to reset the targets for the next round. If there are more shooters than target banks, then the shooters will alternate shooting until all shooters have completed the current round. The process will be repeated until the required number of shots for the game are fired.
  11. Tied Scores: In the event of two (2) or more shooters tying, a shoot-off, or other tie-breaking system will take place.
  12. Game Director: In any matters arising and not covered by these rules, the game director's decision will be final.

Division & Class Rules

The airguns used for MiniSniping are divided into divsions, classes and sub-classes to make playing the game with others more equitable. These divisions and classes are described below.


The airguns used for MiniSniping shall be divided into two groups base on airgun type as described below:


Each Division shall be divided into Classes by power levels as described below.


Each Class may be further divided into sub-classes. Some standard sub-classes are listed below. Additional sub-classes may be included, at the discretion of the game director, if there are enough participants to warrant them.

Rule Variations

In order to offer variations to the classic MiniSniping game, variations to the classic rules may be made by the game director. In such cases, all variations should be established and published prior to the game date to allow players to determine if they wich to participate in the game variation.

Some game variations might be extended distances, shortened distances with rifles using only iron sights, pump-up airguns only at normal or shortened distances, using .45 ACP or other metallic cartridge cases at varied distances, high power airguns at longer ranges. These are just a few possibilities. The key in varying the rules is to make up variations that allow airgunners to use a variety of the airguns that they already own.


Top of Page rules were revised by Brad Troyer and Jock Elliot from the original Peter Capstick MiniSniping article, all rights reserved.
© Copyright 2007 by Brad Troyer & MiniSniping.Org